

Digital Mars D Compiler v0.157
Copyright (c) 1999-2006 by Digital Mars written by Walter Bright
Documentation: www.digitalmars.com/d/index.html
  dmd files.d ... { -switch }

  files.d        D source files
  -c             do not link
  -cov           do code coverage analysis
  -D             generate documentation
  -Dddocdir      write documentation file to docdir directory
  -Dffilename    write documentation file to filename
  -d             allow deprecated features
  -debug         compile in debug code
  -debug=level   compile in debug code <= level
  -debug=ident   compile in debug code identified by ident
  -g             add symbolic debug info
  -H             generate 'header' file
  -Hdhdrdir      write 'header' file to hdrdir directory
  -Hffilename    write 'header' file to filename
  --help         print help
  -Ipath         where to look for imports
  -inline        do function inlining
  -Llinkerflag   pass linkerflag to link
  -nofloat       do not emit reference to floating point
  -O             optimize
  -o-            do not write object file
  -odobjdir      write object files to directory objdir
  -offilename    name output file to filename
  -op            do not strip paths from source file
  -profile       profile runtime performance of generated code
  -quiet         suppress unnecessary messages
  -release       compile release version
  -run srcfile args...   run resulting program, passing args
  -unittest      compile in unit tests
  -v             verbose
  -version=level compile in version code >= level
  -version=ident compile in version code identified by ident
  -w             enable warnings
